Wednesday, March 30, 2011


*ehemmm, dh jawab ke? Dah? Okay good :D

Today I'd like to share a quaint story with y'all. Yesterday, I got sick! It's started during the kawad time. I didn't have time for lunch. Yeah, just imagine I went home from schl around 2pm bcuz of extra class. I reached home around 2.20 or smtg. Then I've to make it to schl sharp at 3.00 pm. I didn't eat nor drink for 2 consecutive days -.-" It's my fault act, tho. Aku yg malas makan -------

I tried my hardest to keep my balance in control :D A few minutes earlier, I did! But after Rafiq asked me to do push up, I felt my head feelin dizzy. I lost my balance. Smpi Wiah tanya aku 2 kali, "Kau okay tak ni?". I'm fine wiah (: She'd noticed most of us dh tk betul. Semua penat gila. Biar lg panas lah kan :O She gave us time for break. Smpi dkt foyer A, aku amik beg terus tidur.

Tidur mati weh -.- Tk sedar apa-apa pun. They bought roti sosej for me, tp time tu tk lalu makan. So I only took a bite. Bila bgn tu kan, airmata meleleh biar tanak stop. Serious mcm org putus cinta -______-" What the fish --" Badan panas kot time tu. Peluh biar byk -.- I slept all the time until they'd finished their kawad. Ksian Intan nenekss jd mangsa tmpt aku tidur hikhik. Balik papa wiah hantar. Thank you :D ILY ALL (:

Time aku sakit lah kau tk ada bie -.- Sabar jelah kan. Tp tak apa, lain kali aku sakit kau boleh jaga hehe.

P/S: Thank you so much to Intan Azrina, Nur Barirahraiyah, Alawiah Fairuz, Rafiq and also Jaja :D Thanks for taking a good care of me (':

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