Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Okay okay today pergi Sunway. At first nk pegi Mid but then canceled. Habis duit tambang je haha. Intan nak jumpa Alif and Syaa. And I accompanied her. Okay serious, they're both sweet like heaven. Yelah masing2 putih, cikeding. They make a very good pair hehe.

Jalan dgn wawan and zaquan. Membebel je keje si wawan tu. Geram betul! I bought a birthday card for my adorable mummy. hehe
And yeah, it was bored . Cuz I've run out of money! Huaaaa~ I'm so freakin sad. Couldn't buy anything ):


  1. "Okay serious, they're both sweet like heaven. Yelah masing2 putih, cikeding. They make a very good pair hehe." Kau perli ke puji xD dua2 cikeding . haha

  2. Hahahahha both of it XD
    Tp betul lah kan. It's the truth :-D
