Saturday, October 2, 2010


Today I went for 'beraya' at Wiah's house. Mama amik bari dl, lpstu baru pusing2 kat sec.18 mcm merry-go-round haha. Mama berenti kat tepi masjid, and drop both of us there. Well, there's soo many ppl there. BURP, tersendawa pulak bfore masuk rumah. Bcoz, before that kitorg 1 family dh pegi majlis kahwin plus rumah nenek. Ada kek lah, for bday occasion. God, im already full -.-" Rasa nk terkeluar balik je. Bueekkk XP

We waited for afnan and zamey and naz to come. Bari dh tk thn, so kitorg mkn dl. Awww, takkan tanak mkn kot. Kecik hati wiah nnti, so I ate a little of 'nasi minyak' plus 'ayam masak merah', aww aww :D SEDAP, then bila 3 teruna tu dh smpi. We snap some pictures dekat ats tmpt bersanding. And I was like, 'peehhh, malu malu Haha'. Padahal gambar punya byk. Ek eleh ckp je lebih dia ni :P

Then borak2 smpi dekat pkul 6. Look at the time! I REALLY have to go . Or else mama will be worried. Kitorg dapat duit raya! Suka suka, :D Thank you mak wiah, heee. Jln dgn bari and naz. Afnan and zamey naik moto, pastu jd mcm mat rempit. Grrrr, -.-" Then drop bari dekat rumah dia, and after that naz yg teman smpi rumah. Whoaaa thank you lah weh :D

My ankles hurt bcoz of the long walk even though i wore slippers, lol. I rush to lay down on my bed. Freakin tired dudes. So that's all for today. Next day, I mean tomorrow (sunday) will be more FUN! Wink wink (;
Byebye ppl,

Lots of kiss,
Alin nadhirah :-*

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