Wednesday, July 7, 2010


You know what guys . Saya kena berlakon Huahua . Mcm pandai je -.- Group saya dpt short stories 'QWERTYUIOP' :D Lalala , at first it looks kinda bored . After awhile , cerita tu tadelah bosan pun lepas dah diolah (: THXX TO KOIN :D She's the one who wrote the story (half of it) Hee

Duhh , tadi ah kena present depan miss afidah . When it comes to my part , I dunno why. How can i FORGOT THE SCRIPT ?! Gosh -.-' Mula2 mcm org gila hafal , then bila dah sampai masa lupa sudah. Aduh memg aku benganglah -.- Thnk God the 2nd scene saya igt script. Buat malu je haha

At the end , teacher bagi marks :D Group saya semuaaaaaa dpt A except for Shuk )); Sorry shuk ):
I've got 28/30 (!) Hebat kann-kann HAHA Bapak gelabah minah ni xDD

Ada ke alep kata saya mcm cikgu HAHA ngokk ;p Buat malu je --'

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