Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Can I say this? OHH MY GOD !!!! :DD I met Shahir today, weeee~

Well, me and my sis (Ain) accompanied our beloved mommy to buy presents for her friend. Time nk balik, I saw this massive white car. I thought, what car is that. So, aku pun mcm org batak ah tenung kat kereta tu. Ek eleh, CRV rupanya -.-" Haha. Then i stared at this man who's gonna drive the car. Tenung khusyuk weh, sbb mcm kenal. And suddenly.........

'MAMA MAMA!! OH GOD! That's SHAHIR!!! Awwwww, tengok tu! Shahir tu mama!' Hahaha, mcm bodoh je menjerit dlm kereta. Time aku pndg tu, he was talking on the phone and he do STARE AT ME! Awwww, Aku pun senyum. Then dia boleh Tersenyum!!! Memg syok babe. Rasa nk suruh je mama berenti kereta pastu nk peluk cium dia HAHA *ish mana boleh!

But overall, memg seronok ah. He wears a blue shirt and a black jacket. Handsome siot! Grrrrrrr
Love you Shahir! ♥♥♥

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