Monday, August 16, 2010


Weh, I can't stand it anymore. Ramai cikgu dah tak suka kat kita. Ape masalh sebenanye? Kalau mcm ni, pindah lg better ah wey. Nak blaja pun tade mood. Especially during add maths. Teacher Wani will came to our class with a very down mood. She'll starts yelling at us, like we did a massive mistakes )': I wanna get out, go far-far-away from this school. It sucks MAN D: Now, bila kita bg salam je dekat ckgu, mesti ada yg nak jeling. What the ----?! Aku bengang betul. My friends and I have no mood to come to school dah skang ni. Better luck for us, Hope we can still have a superb results eventhough we've to face this sort of problems. I didn't mean to 'mencarut' ryte here, But yeah. I couldn't help myself any longer. Now, i just HAVE to pray a lot to Allah. May He shows me and my friends the right way and give us blessed. AMIN (':

P/S: Thanks to Daus Poyo (': Sebab you dga semua haha ^___^

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