Tuesday, August 10, 2010

10 JULY 2010

Td ada tournament boling :P As usual, muka-2 kitorg ni WAJIB(!) I repeat, WAJIB berada di Pusat Boling Ole-Ole tu :P Me, Barie, Pia, and Intan tak masuk pun tournament tu. We're bcoming cheerleaders for Sobie, Neji and Khai haha.

At the same time, Ejad called and he said that he wanna meet me. I was like, "Haaaa? Serious?" Haha. He said "yelah". So aku pun ckp sukati de lah. Agak payah lah utk de locate my house GAGA XD Sorry derr. He came with Jiman and another friend of him(which i dunno his name and he's HANDSOME) HAHAHA :D gatal gatal ! He accompanied me, jalan sampaaiiiiii ole-ole. Kesian doh kat de :( Dah lah demam. Ish ish, Alin ni, jahat ah kauuuu --' He then left with his friends after an hour kot. Sebb tade bende nak buad haha.

Then bila dorg dah balik, Me and Barie pegi makan mcd. Yuummmmmm, sedap gila *kempunan doh haha. Sampai perut buncit. And I reached home around 7.30 or something :P heee

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