Thursday, July 22, 2010


Today's okaylah :D English time is the best (!) We went to the lib fer double-period. Sat on the same table with our Smoochy-poo Mrs. Afidah haha :P Fer the whole period time we were like gossip-ing over lots and lots of things. Best gila bhai :D Teacher told us bout her 'wide' world. Bout her friends, her hubby's ex haha, studies, her old student, life and everything else. She advised us to study well or we'll regret at the end of our schl's year. Yeah I agree with that :P I'm sooooo over excited plus happy coz I don't have any homeworks Yaaayyyyy (!) It's like the best thing that's happened in my 'world' (: I already did my Physics homework at schl. Wheeewww --'

This year I'm kinda being a 'naughty plus plus' teen coz I eat in class, lack of studies, my exam results is bad, often kena rotan dgn cikgu Zul haha, noisy i think :D, copy and paste my friend's homework :P Yaya I know, It's bad, really bad -.- How can i manage to get 9A's ++ haa ? Can you guys tell me ? Gosh, it's hard )':

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