Sunday, July 4, 2010



*mengada je de ni HAHA :D Time dah nak balik ;p

Heyyy-yawwww ^^ 3Julai2010: Melaka time haha . We're kinda bored at home so , Abah decided that he wants to 'jalan-2 di Malaysia' . Yelah , dah lama gila kan de tak pegi mana-2 , so de ajak kitorg semua pegi melaka . Bertolak pagi , sampai tgahari . Nak pegi taman mini asean , under construction lah pulak-.- Derrrrrr .

Then we decided to go to 'Zoo Melaka'. Bila sampai je , jantung rasa mcm nak tercabut . Bapak banyak bas and-2 all full of students . From young till old . Alamak weyy , potong line lah dorg ni . Bengang je . Then rasa nak pegi Taman Buaya . Thank God , its not full like at the zoo . Dlm taman buaya , memg best gila .

A lot of crocs species , ada kontot , tailess , hunchback Haha and manyy more lah you guys . Excited gila (!) :D Me and my bro were like running here and there haha . Mcm budak tadika -,- Daaaa , sukati lah kan . My feet , bia lah de nak gerak pegi mana kan-2 :D

Then at that moment lah , its time for feeding the crocs . memg best , sampai rasa mcm buaya tu nak terkam aku pulak Gaga :D *Takut takut :-S Then tgk anaconda , birds , lizards yg comel haha . Happening weyyy . Best best and best . But one day is not enough na kunjungi the whole Melaka oww D:

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